Glasgow doggy daycare holds events for owners and pets
Chilled Dawgz Dog Day Care, in Drumchapel in Glasgow, is bringing back its annual Christmas Market this festive season.
The event will offer activities for pets and their owners with outfits, treats, and a special appearance from ‘Santa Paws’.
Chilled Dawgz said: “Come along and get lots of Christmas goodies for that special pooch in your life. We’ll have treats galore, from the finest goodies to eat, to the finest goodies to wear, your best friend will be spoiled for choice. If your pupper is very, very good they may get to meet Santa Paws too.”
The annual Christmas dog market will take place on 10 December from 10am – 4pm.
In addition, the doggy daycare centre will also host three Halloween parties this month, from 27 October up until Halloween. A vote will be held to decide the best-dressed dog with the winner being announced on Halloween night.
The centre, for small to medium breeds, was recently nominated at the Scottish Pet Awards for Best Dog Day Care Centre.
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