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Flesh-eating dog disease claims more lives

Alabama Rot has claimed the lives of two dogs in Bristol and Devon, taking the toll to five this year, veterinary specialists at Winchester-based Anderson Moores revealed.

The disease, which seems to affect dogs that have walked in muddy, woodland areas, can lead to loss of appetite, tiredness, vomiting skin ulcers, and kidney failure.

Alabama Rot, which was first detected in the UK in 2012, has a 90% mortality rate – the UK has now seen 284 confirmed cases in total. The best chance of recovery lies with early and intensive veterinary care.

Anderson Moores said: “This disease is still rare, so we’re advising dog owners to remain calm but vigilant and seek advice from their local vet if their dog develops unexplained skin lesions.”

The veterinary specialists have created a dedicated Alabama Rot website, which includes a nationwide live map of cases, visit it here.

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