Farming business seeks permission for doggy daycare in East Yorkshire
A family farming business is seeking planning permission for a doggy daycare on farmland at Swanland, East Yorkshire.
The business wants to turn a four-acre field off Dale Road used for grazing horses into an area for dogs to exercise, with cabins for the dogs, a car park, and 1.9m high fence.
The plans state that the business will employ five staff, with a “carer to dog ratio of one to eight”.
The applicant say it had more than 15,000 individual bookings for its two dog walking fields in the first 18 months of operation.
They add: “In this time, we have had no incidents or reports of noise. It has shown the local demand for secure, decent, and most importantly well-maintained dog facilities is required.
“This will give owners an opportunity to drop off their dogs and be able to go to work knowing they are in a stimulating environment while interacting with other dogs.”