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England Coast Path takes a step forward

A 33-mile path from Shoreham-by-Sea to Eastbourne, which includes part of the South Downs National Park, has officially opened.

The route includes coastal towns, sea views with the iconic back-drop of the white chalk cliffs, and rural landscapes created by the South Downs meeting the sea.

Jim Seymour, Natural England Area Manager said: “This trail encompasses the iconic white chalk cliff and sea views, the South Downs National Park with its abundance of wildlife, and the popular coastal towns.

“At a time when the benefits of connecting with nature are clearer than ever, it’s fabulous that we are opening up this 33-mile-long section of footpath across the South Downs and along the east and west Sussex coast.”

Andy Le Gresley, South East National Trail Partnership Chair, added: “The trail links several iconic Sussex locations with a high-quality, well-signposted walking route. Walkers can enjoy a unique variety of urban and countryside coastlines, and a mix of different terrains and views – from steep hills to easy promenades.”

The path will form part of the 2,700-mile-long England Coast Path, which will become the longest walking route in the world.

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