Dogs banned from Somerset nature reserves
Somerset Wildlife Trust (SWT) has banned dogs from its Westhay Moor and Catcott nature reserves from 15 August because of a “large increase in poor dog owner attitudes and behaviours, which are having a hugely negative impact on the habitats, wildlife and other visitors, enjoyment”.
Dogs will no longer be permitted on any central permissive paths on both reserves, while on public rights of way the pets must remain on a lead or under close control, remaining on the paths at all times, be visible and in close proximity to their owners.
The trust said: said: “While we appreciate there are many responsible dog owners who visit, we have had to make this decision as a direct response to a number of issues caused by a growing number of irresponsible dog owners in particular at Westhay.
“Our staff and volunteers (and sometimes general members of the public) are now regularly on the receiving end of aggressive behaviour from dog owners who refuse to put their dogs on leads, when politely asked to do so, or keep their dogs under control to minimise disturbance to wildlife, or pick up and dispose of their dog poo.
“The decision also brings both reserves in line with other reserves within the wider Avalon Marshes reserve network. Visitors often visit more than one reserve at a time, so having a consistent approach and message to dog owners is really important.”
SWT said that it has introduced clear signage on the reserves to spread the word, and that it has a team of staff and volunteers who will be out on the reserves monitoring the situation closely.