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Dog Groomers,  Industry News

Doggy daycare application could be rejected due to noise and traffic concerns

Gedling Council, Nottinghamshire, is likely to turn down an application for a doggy daycare in Netherfield, due to the ‘detrimental’ impact of noise and heightened traffic it believes the facilities would have on the area.

The proposed doggy daycare would be an extension to the existing Ruffles Dog Day Care business which operates Ashley Street, Nottingham.

The main building is currently occupied by a commercial flooring company, which has seen ‘significantly reduced’ business.

The new facilities would host a doggy daycare and a grooming business for the next ten years.

The application had initially noted that “based under existing operations of Ruffles Dog Day Care at Ashley Street, it is estimated that approximately 50-60 dogs will be allowed by the animal licensing department”, but following concerns raised, the applicants reduced the number of dogs to 30 and business hours to Monday to Friday between the hours of 07:00 to 19:00 only.

Although a noise report was submitted with the application, the council said in a recent hearing that “dogs can be unpredictable in their nature and as such controlling or predicting noise levels to come from such a use can prove difficult”.

“In particular, at drop off and pick up times it is likely that the noise generated would be quite significant. It also has to be borne in mind that in terms of animal welfare and as part of any the license for the operation of the use, there would be a requirement to have windows open, which would make it difficult to control noise from within the building,” the committee’s report read.

It also said the new facilities are likely to generate a “reasonably large number of vehicle movements through drop-offs and pick-ups”.

“Whilst this would not be harmful to highway safety due to the low vehicle speeds and the residential nature of the area, the frequent drop-offs would, in their own right, have a detrimental impact through activity that would be generated,” it added.

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