Disposable vapes a danger to dogs, minister warns
Disposable vapes could be a danger to dogs’ health if they find the discarded products, ministers were told yesterday (20 June).
Conservative MP Neil Hudson, who is also vet, raised the risk of disposable vapes – which typically contain plastic, copper, rubber, and a lithium battery – after recalling pulling one from his own dog’s mouth.
The Penrith and the Border MP said: “Just the other day, I was out walking my young dog Poppy and she came out of the undergrowth with a bright pink, melon-flavoured disposable vape in her mouth.
“I was able to get it out of her mouth, but, as a vet, I shudder to think what would have happened if she had chewed, crunched or swallowed it.”
Ministers are coming under increasing pressure to impose an outright ban on single-use vapes, amid concern about their rising popularity among children and wider concerns.