Consultation launches on Monmouthshire dog controls
Monmouthshire residents and businesses are being asked to comment on the new proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in the county in a new
The PSPO, which is aligned with many others in Wales is being proposed to ensure that public spaces within Monmouthshire are cleaner, healthier and safer places to play, walk, work and visit.
The council reviewed its current controls by consulting with elected members, sports clubs/associations and key land owners of public spaces.
The five dog controls proposed are:
- The person in charge of a dog to clean up after it, if it defecates in a public space. This will apply to all public spaces in Monmouthshire.
- The person in charge of a dog in a public space to have an appropriate means to pick up any faeces deposited by that dog and to show they have a bag(s) if requested to do so by an authorised officer.
- The person in charge of a dog when in a public space to put the dog on a lead of no more than two metres in length when directed to do so by an authorised officer, where the dog is considered to be out of control or causing alarm or distress, or to prevent a nuisance.
- The introduction of dog exclusion areas, identified through consultation as high public health risk areas and requiring further protection from dog fouling.
- The introduction of a number of areas, identified through consultation on a case-by-case basis, where a dog needs to be kept on a lead of no more than two metres in length.
Councillor Paul Griffiths, Monmouthshire County Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, said: “The proposed Public Spaces Protection Order aims to ensure that all public spaces are safe for residents and visitors of our wonderful county.”
The council will consider all views received and a report will be presented to the Place Scrutiny Committee for pre-decision scrutiny before the Order goes to the Cabinet or Individual Cabinet Member for decision.
The consultation, which runs until 25 November, can be found here.