Chesterfield doggy daycare to feature on TV
Chesterfield doggy daycare Rose Cottage is set to feature on Channel 5 show Dogs Behaving Badly later this year.
The show’s host Graeme Hall visited Rose Cottage Doggy Daycare to hire the centre’s ‘Field of Freedom’ to train two dogs.
The space was used to teach the dogs to walk better on a lead, with Rose Cottage providing a secure location.
Dawn Brown, Owner of Rose Cottage Doggy Daycare, said: “Graeme was a very chatty, great guy. He spent time with me and my team before and after the filming. He also signed books for us and we have lots of pictures with him.
“To be picked out of the whole of Derbyshire to use our field was amazing, and will definitely help us to stand out. He said they searched for a field to hire and ours came up when they researched our services. They were highly impressed with our site, our branding, and our whole different take on dog care in general.”
The episode is expected to be aired in the summer of 2024.
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