Doggy Daycare,  Industry News

Brixton doggy daycare expands

Social enterprise doggy daycare Paws and Pause has expanded its Brixton, South London, facility into the space next door.

The new space doubles the capacity for dogs and trainees, creating more opportunities for the local community, and is in response to high and increasing demand for its services.

Paws and Pause, which has been at capacity since opening in 2019, has a mission to provide employment and training for people who’ve faced barriers getting back into work, whether that be through mental health or substance use issues.

The doggy daycare helps trainees build confidence, develop new skills, and find meaningful employment. The expansion enables the team to take on more trainees, providing even greater impact and outreach to individuals who need support.

Paws and Pause remains one of only two licensed doggy daycares in the borough of Lambeth.

The company said: “This expansion allows us to reach more dogs, offer even better services, and provide life-changing opportunities for trainees. It’s a big step forward for our mission.”

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