Industry News,  Lead

Pet theft law comes into force

The Pet Abduction Act 2024, which will see anyone found guilty of pet theft in England or Northern Ireland face up to five years in prison, a fine, or both, has come into force.

The new law recognises cats and dogs as sentient beings, not objects, capable of experiencing distress and emotional trauma when stolen from their owners or keepers.

Previously, pet theft was not considered a specific crime and was treated similarly to the theft of household items like phones and bikes.

In response to the new law, Veterinary Director at Dogs Trust Paula Boyden, said: “We are delighted to see the Pet Abduction Act come into force, and that it recognises the emotional bond between dog and owner.

“For years, Dogs Trust has called for harsher penalties to deter those who profit from this despicable crime and to tackle the issue of pet theft here in the UK.”

One Comment

  • Susannah

    Thank goodness! Whether this will be a deterrent remains to be seen but if the Courts start handing out prison sentences it may well be.

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