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Welsh government seeks to strengthen animal welfare regulations

The Welsh government is consulting on its proposals to strengthen how animal activities – such as dog walking, groomers, and dog parks – are regulated.

By strengthening regulation, the Welsh govenment hopes to enhance and protect animal welfare, with a statutory licensing scheme setting minimum standards that all licence holders would need to comply with, underpinned by an inspection regiment.

The Welsh government said the intention at this stage is to seek public opinion on a range of areas identified, to progress policy and develop future proposals. Any future licensing regimes in the areas identified would be subject to further public consultation, prior to implementation, the Welsh government added.

Minister for Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths said: “The licensing of animal-related activities would ensure the health and welfare of the animals involved is considered at all times, driving improvements in standards of keeping and enabling better enforcement in those instances where things go wrong.”

She added: “A great deal of work has been carried out ahead of this consultation to identify the activities which are currently unlicensed, and where there are gaps in current arrangements.”

The 12-week consultation is available here.

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