Dog Walkers,  Industry News

Bridgend council consults on Public Space Protection Order

Bridgend council has launched a public consultation regarding plans to tackle dog fouling issues and irresponsible dog ownership across the county borough.

Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), which contained the same conditions, which was started in 2018 and valid through last year. However, by law the authority must now carry out a public consultation before it can extend or vary the order.

The PSPO means dog walkers would continue to be fined up to £100 under the proposed renewal of the dog control PSPO if they fail to pick up after pets in public areas or walk their dog without carrying dog waste bags.

While the order does not restrict dogs from being off the lead in specific areas, it would require walkers to place dogs on a lead if requested to do so by an officer, making it an offence if they do not, and also resulting in a £100 fine.

Councillor John Spanswick, the cabinet member for communities in Bridgend, said: “We need to ensure there are measures in place to keep our public spaces free of dog mess. The majority of dog owners are responsible but where this is not the case then we are going to need to take action against those as appropriate with fixed penalty notices.”

The public consultation will run until 18 July.

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