
Viewpoint: How to enhance the life of your clients

By Anna Webb, canine expert and TV and radio personality

New year is a time that we all look at how we could do things differently, and vow to make changes in our lives for the better. 

But what about our dogs?

It’s very possible that our dogs have some unhelpful habits too, and there are ways that we can incorporate our own ‘new year new me’ attitude with proactive ways to enrich and enhance the life of your furry friend.

This can also be a time to build on your important bond with your pet, incorporating fun activities and skills which you can both enjoy together.

From getting out more with your pooch, to losing those extra puppy pounds, here are TV and radio canine expert Anna Webb’s top six tips, for making sure that new year is a positive new start for you and your pet.

1. Shed some extra pounds: Healthcare: Over 50% of Britain’s dogs are considered porky or obese (PDSA), and suffering from related health conditions like arthritis, dental disease and diabetes.

With soaring vet bills and insurance premiums, owners cannot afford medication and dogs face abandonment.

Shedding some pounds could help your doggy food bill.

If prevention is better than cure, reduce expensive vet bills by feeding for health with nutrient-dense unprocessed options.

2. Walk Your Dog:  Reap the benefits of getting out, enjoying nature, and staying fit whilst spending quality time with your dog. Surging demand for dog walkers and creches suggests we’re relying on third parties to walk our dogs despite more of us working from home.  Apart from adding to the cost of living, we’re missing out.

Dogs are a commitment not a convenience, and for older dogs put a spring in your golden oldie’s step by adding Pawable the first Collar-gen for dogs.

As a structural protein, it helps rebuild cellular damage caused over time by a raft of environmental factors, aids digestion, and promotes healthy skin as well as fewer trips to the vet.

3. Brush your dog’s teeth:  We all need to be aware of our gnashers, with dental care for pets not coming cheap, and accounts for 13% of vet visits annually.

It’s a cost-saving exercise to pre-empt dental disease simply adding Pawable’s Collar-gen helps strengthen the teeth and maximise gum health.

Regular cleaning, and feeding a fresh unprocessed nutrient-dense diet adding grated carrots, chopped apples or natural chews will also help keep teeth clean as healthy, natural and low-calorie treat alternatives.

4. Play with your Dog: I advocate proactive playtime as the key to training, building communication and winning trust and respect with your dog. Games like a perfect fetch or game of tug, even hide and seek make for positive interaction based on having fun, which works both ways.

Make your own toys from old T-shirts, socks and plastic water bottles. It’s a chance to get crafty and be in the moment, practising focus, mindfulness and teamwork.

5. Enrichment: Think about how you can enrich your dog’s world, and make spending ‘time’ together really count!

Train a new trick. Whether your dog is a Border Collie or a Bulldog, they all love to learn a new trick and have fun doing it – both ways.  With 56% of dogs post-pandemic with no recall, master this art, or teach a rollover, speak on cue, or a high five.

Starting the year proactively building focus, communication and trust.

6. Learn a new skill: If you haven’t already done so take a canine first aid course, as it could help save your dog’s life. 

Qualified veterinary Rachel Bean (www.rachelbean.co.uk), who wrote the iPET Network’s qualification in canine first aid said: “Dogs are a member of the family, and it is just important to know what to do in an emergency for your dog, as it is for a human in your life.

“When the worst happens people tend to react in a panic, but the training given on a first aid course allows you to tackle the situation calmly, and with important skills and knowledge which help you to do the right thing.”

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