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Special dog zone to open at Pegwell Bay Country Park

A special zone where dog owners can let their pets run free is to be launched at a special event celebrating Sandwich and Pegwell Bay and 70 years of National Nature Reserves.

The Sandwich and Pegwell Bay dog zone aims to give owners the opportunity to let their pooch run free off the lead in a safe environment.

On the wider reserve, people are asked to keep their dog on a lead so local wildlife can thrive without disturbance.

“This project is the result of hard work by Kent County Council Country Parks and Bird Wise East Kent who have created this safe space to allow dogs to get their much-needed run and exercise without harming the rare and endangered birds nesting, feeding and resting on our shorelines,” Nina Jones, of Kent Wildlife Trust said.

“In addition to the launch of the dog zone, there will be lots of fun activities and stalls for families to enjoy and we hope the event will give people the opportunity to discover this beautiful reserve and connect with nature.”

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