Leptospirosis vaccine petition attracts 1,000 signatures
A new petition calling for the removal of the Leptospirosis vaccine as a requirement for doggy daycare and boarding facilities has attracted more than 1,000 signatures.
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease of dogs and other mammals that primarily affects the liver or kidneys.
Stephanie Terrell, the petition’s creator, said: “The vaccine can cause adverse effects and we believe it is not in the best interests of the dog’s welfare to require this for daycare or boarding facilities.
“There have been many reported cases of adverse reactions and even fatalities following this vaccination. We believe the requirement for this vaccine is in place to protect people as it is a zoonotic disease, rather than for the best interests of dogs. It is also very treatable in both dogs and humans if caught early.”
The petition, which can be viewed here, will be considered for debate in parliament when it reached 100,000 signatures.